Tea is a significant piece of Chinese custom. As Chinese society created and advanced, tea creation plays had an impact in driving monetary improvement while tea utilization has stayed an act of day to day existence.
The act of tea culture can bring the soul and shrewdness of individuals to a higher circle. Tea has an incredibly cozy relationship to Chinese culture, and its review covers a wide field and has extremely rich substance. It typifies the soul of human advancement, yet in addition the soul of philosophical structure. There can be no question that it has been useful in upgrading individuals’ social achievements and enthusiasm for workmanship.
History of Chinese Tea
The historical backdrop of Chinese tea is a long and steady story of refinement. Ages of cultivators and makers have culminated the Chinese approach to assembling tea, and its numerous novel territorial varieties.
The first thought is credited to the amazing Ruler Shennong, who is said to have lived quite a while back. His far-located declarations expected, in addition to other things, that all drinking water be bubbled as a clean safety measure. That’s what a story goes, one summer day, while visiting a far off piece of his domain, he and the court halted to rest. As per his decision, the workers started to bubble water for the court to drink. Dried leaves from a close by hedge fell into the bubbling water, and an earthy colored substance was implanted into the water. As a researcher, the Head was keen on the new fluid, drank some, and thought that it is extremely invigorating. Thus, as per legend, tea was made in 2737 BC.
Chinese Tea Types
The main varieties of Chinese tea are classified as green tea, black tea, Oolong tea, white tea, yellow tea, and dark tea. Read more on Chinese tea types.
Chinese Tea Culture

Drinking tea:Tea is taken as a beverage to quench thirst.
Tasting tea: The quality of the tea is judged by the color, fragrance and flavor of the tea, the water quality and even the tea set. When tasting tea, the taster should be able to savor the tea thoroughly.
Tea art: While drinking attention is paid to environment, atmosphere, music, infusing techniques and interpersonal relationships.
The highest ambit— tea lore : Philosophy, ethics and morality are blended into tea activity. People cultivate their morality and mind, and savor life through tasting tea, thereby attaining joy of spirit.
Chinese tea lore is several hundred years, possibly even thousands of years, older than that of Japan. It is said that Chinese tea lore places an emphasis on spirit and makes light of form. Tea lore had different representations at different historical periods. Teas are also various, but all embody the tea spirit of “clearness, respect, joy and truthfulness”.
Tips of Effective Tea Drinking
Drinking tea offers numerous benefits. It refreshes the mind, clears heat within the human body and helps people lose weight. As you add a cup of tea to your daily routine, please check the following tips which help you reap the maximum health benefits.
1. Drink it hot. Tea oxidizes quickly after brewing, and its nutrients diminish overtime. It is suggested that you drink it hot to get the best out of tea.
2. Do not drink too much strong tea. It is likely to upset your stomach and cause insomnia if you make the tea too strong. Usually you can mix 4 grams (0.13 ounce) of tea leaves with 250 milliliters (0.44 pint) to make a cup of tea. An overall amount of 12 – 15 grams (0.4 – 0.5 ounces) of tea leaves is suitable for daily consumption.
3. The best time to drink is in between meals. Do not drink tea soon after or before meals. Otherwise it may quench appetite when your stomach is empty, or cause indigestion when your stomach is full.
4. Do not drink with medication. Tea contains large amount of Tannin, which will react with certain elements in the medicine, thus reduce medical effects. You can drink tea a couple of hours after you take medicine.
5. Green tea is the best option for office workers. Green tea contains catechins that help prevent computer radiation and supplement moisture content of the human body.