Grammar points by level
On the off chance that you don’t know where your syntax information stands, investigate one of these levels, and in the event that you can find one where you know….
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B2 grammar points
“B2” (Upper Moderate) is the fourth level, as characterized by the European Normal System, which is utilized on this Chinese Sentence structure Wiki. It is generally comparable to HSK Levels…
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B1 grammar points
“B1” (Moderate) is the third level as characterized by the European Normal Structure. It is generally identical to HSK Levels 3-4. There are 143 all out language focuses in the…
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C1 grammar points
“C1” (Progressed) is the fifth level, as characterized by the European Normal System, which is utilized on this Chinese Language Wiki. It is generally comparable to HSK Levels 5-6. NOTE:…
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HSK 2 grammar points
“HSK 2” is the second level of the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK). There are 79 all out HSK 2 language structure focuses in the rundown beneath. You may likewise need…
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HSK 1 grammar points
“HSK 1” is the main level of the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK). There are 54 all out HSK 1 punctuation focuses in the rundown beneath. You may likewise need to…
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HSK 3 grammar points
“HSK 3” is the third level of the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK). There are 87 absolute HSK 3 sentence structure focuses in the rundown underneath. You may likewise need to…
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A2 grammar points
“A2” (Rudimentary) is the subsequent level utilized on this Chinese Syntax Wiki. It is generally identical to HSK Levels 2-3. There are 99 all out punctuation focuses in the rundown…
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“A1” (Novice) is the first and most reduced level utilized on the Chinese Sentence structure Wiki. It is generally comparable to HSK Levels 1-2. There are 40 all out syntax…
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