- Observed: April
- Area: Luoyang
Luoyang Peony Celebration is extremely famous among Chinese travelers and peony devotees the world over. Every year from mid-April to mid-May, the peonies are in full blossom, by and large arriving at their top during the period April fifteenth 25th, which is the date set for the yearly celebration. During the peoy fair, gardens are flooded with beautiful blossoms for the most part reds blended in with whites, yellows and purples set against a foundation of thick, lively, dim green leaves, similar to a bunch of valuable stones set in brilliant, sparkling rings. Furthermore, there are different people exhibitions arranged in the nurseries.
Luoyang City is situated in west Henan Region in Focal China. Other than seeing peonies, popular vacation destinations incorporate White Pony Sanctuary and Longmen Grottoes. Luoyang City is simply 1 hour via train to Zhengzhou City, where the incredibly popular Shaolin Sanctuary is found. Luoyang City is via train 4 hours from Beijing (Incredible Mass of China), 8.5 hours from Shanghai (The Bund) or 4.5 hours from Xi’an (Terrocotta Armed force). Flights are likewise accessible between these urban communities.
The fundamental setting of the yearly Luoyang Peony Celebration is Luoyang Public Peony Nursery, situated in the town of Mongshan on the edges of Luoyang.
Luoyang National Peony Garden 洛阳国家牡丹园
Luoyang Public Peony Nursery is one of the most established nurseries to develop and recreate peonies in China. It is partitioned into North Nursery and South Nursery. There are more than 1 million peony trees of 1,200 various types. The peony sprouting here is profoundly rumored for its enormous bloom, showy variety, various species and enduring brilliance.
Blossoming date: in excess of 100 sorts of peonies will initially sprout from April fifth to tenth; 500 or so sorts of uncommon peonies will be in full sprout from April eleventh to twentieth; other 200 species for the most part bloom late from April 21st to May fourth. The nursery is particularly popular for the 1600-year-old and 3-meter-high “peony ruler”.
Ticket Fare:
40 yuan/person from April 1st to 8th
55 yuan/person from April 9th to April 25st
40 yuan/person from April 26th to May 5th
Getting there: take bus No. 51
Shenzhou Peony Garden 神州牡丹园
Shenzhou Peony Nursery is situated inverse the White Pony Sanctuary, including the extraordinary engineering style and scene nursery of the prosperous Tang Line. Guests will see north of 30,000 peony trees of 840 sorts in full blossom. The peony garden is separated into five beautiful regions including Peony Culture Region, Peony Recreation Region and Peony Review Region. The nursery additionally arranges awesome society social exhibitions.
Bloom Date: The initial bloom stage for peonies growing here is around April 9th every year; the middle bloom stage is from April 14th to 20th and the late bloom stage can extend to early May.
Ticket Fare:
40 yuan/person from April 1st to 8th
50 yuan/person from April 9th to 26th
40 yuan/person from April 27th to May 5th
Getting there: take bus No.56 or 58 and get off at White Horse Temple Station.
Xiyuan Park 西苑公园
Xiyuan Park was based on the site of Xiyuan Vestiges, the castle of Sovereign Yangdi during the Sui Administration. The recreation area highlights a subject of “watch peonies and value bonsais” and dispatches numerous exceptional visit exercises connected with the topic. Inside the recreation area various types of peonies and strangely molded bonsais are coordinated into an intriguing universe of peony garden work.
Blooming date: early peonies and peony bonsais will be in bloom at the beginning of April. Usually the full bloom stage is around April 16th every year. The late peonies can flower in early May.
Ticket Fare: 10-20 yuan/person, varying in different bloom periods.
Getting there: take bus No.2, 7, 29, 59, 60, 63 or 69 and get off at Xiyuan Park.
Luoyang National Flower Garden 洛阳国花园

The garden is located in the west of Museum of Ancient Tombs is a peony viewing garden with a long history and a rich peony culture. Visitors can watch rare peonies of over 200 kinds in bloom at the park. Besides, Luoyang National Garden is famous for its 150-year-old “Changsouhong” (red peony) and 120-year-old “Changsouzi” (purple peony).
Blooming date: 30 different kinds of peony greenhouse bonsais in the greenhouse will be in bloom from April 1st to 10th; other 140 kinds of peonies will be in full bloom from April 11th to 23rd; the rest late species usually flower from April 24th to May 1st.
Ticket fare:
20 yuan/person from April 1st to 6th
40 yuan/person from April 7th to May 1st
20 yuan/person from May 1st to 10th
Getting there: take bus No.83 and get off at the intersection of Wangcheng Avenue
Wangcheng Park 王城公园
The recreation area covering 50,000 square meters acquired its name from its area on Wangcheng Remains, the site of the Capital City of Zhou Tradition (eleventh century BC-221BC). It filled in as the setting for the primary Luoyang Peony Celebration and as the fundamental scene for the procedure Peony Celebrations consistently. Inside the recreation area there is one of the greatest zoos in Henan Territory. Guests can see north of 10,000 peony trees of 858 various types with different varieties in blossom.
Sprouting date: peony bonsais in the nursery will be in blossom toward the beginning of April; essentially a wide range of peonies will be in full blossom from April ninth to 25th; the rest late species normally bloom during the May Day occasion (May 1-7).
Different occasions: peony light fair, peony keepsakes display, drama execution, bloom orchestrating craftsmanship celebration, Hebei Cangzhou aerobatic bazaar and enormous intriguing creature show.
Ticket Fare (including admission for the zoo):
40 yuan/person from April 1st to 8th
50 yuan/person from April 9th to April 25st
40 yuan/person from April 26th to May 5th
Lantern Show: 15 yuan/person (19:00-22:00 every day)
Getting there: take bus No. 9, 10, 11, 15, 19, 28, 30, 32, 40, 50, 59, 101, 102 or 103 and get off at Wangcheng Park.
Luoyang International Peony Garden 洛阳国际牡丹园
Luoyang Worldwide Peony Nursery develops in excess of 600,000 peony trees with 600 various types. The blooming date is generally 3-7days later than other peony gardens in light of the fact that the environment is colder there. Be that as it may, this peony garden is profoundly presumed for its enormous bloom, long blossoming date and ostentatious tones. Notwithstanding the presentation of intriguing peonies from home and abroad, the nursery likewise holds a huge display of Chinese herbaceous peony.
Sprouting date: a few sorts of peonies filled in the nursery will initially blossom from April fifth to tenth; 50 or so sorts of uncommon peonies will be in full blossom from April eleventh to twentieth; another 400 species generally bloom from April 21st to May tenth.
Special flowers: the garden has developed a kind of peony which can flower 5 to 6 different species of peonies in one tree.
Ticket Fare:
50 yuan/person from April 9th to May 3rd
20 yuan/person from May 4th to 10th
Getting there: take bus No. 27 or 83 and get off at International Peony Garden
China National Flower Garden 中国国花园

China Public Blossom Nursery is situated at the south bank of Luohe Waterway between Luoyang Scaffold and Mudan Extension. North of 200,000 peony trees of 600 various types are filled in the nursery.
Blossoming Date: The normal blooming date is around April twelfth; mid-term blooming period is from April fifteenth to twentieth; a few late peonies typically blossom from April 21st to early May.
Different Occasions: people culture exhibitions will be held during the bloom fair.
Ticket Fare:
40 yuan/person from April 1st to 8th
50 yuan/person from April 9th to April 25st
30 yuan/person from April 26th to May 5th
Getting there: take bus No. 15, 37 or 68 and get off at the west gate of China National Flower Garden; take bus No. 33, 52, 53, 55, 57, 61, 65, 66, 69 or 81 and get off at the east gate of China National Flower Garden.
Peony Garden 牡丹公园
Luoyang Peony Park is situated on Xiyuan Street. Starting from the principal Luoyang Peony Celebration held in 1983, Luoyang Peony Park has become one of the primary survey gardens in Luoyang. The recreation area is well known for its “antiquated peony” and flaunts more than 3,000 various types of 100-year-old peonies.
Sprouting Date: The early blossoming date is from April third to eighth; most peonies will be in full sprout from April ninth to 25th; late peonies ordinarily bloom from April 26st to May 5st.
Ticket fare
10 yuan/person from April 3rd to 8th
20 yuan/person from April 9th to April 25th
10 yuan/person from April 26th to May 5th
Getting there: take bus No. 8, 17, 25, 31, 50, 60, 63, 69, 70 or 103 and get off at Peony Park
Luoyang Tulip Garden 洛阳郁金香花园
Luoyang Tulip Nursery develops more than 500 various types of peonies of different tones and north of 1 million tulips of 80 sorts.
Sprouting Date: A few sorts of peonies like Luoyang Red, Meiwang Red and Ziban, are generally blossoming from April third to tenth; a few peonies like Roufen, Banyahu Red will be in full sprout from April eleventh to 25th; late peonies as a rule bloom from April 26st to May 7st.
Different occasions: free body painting workmanship show on Saturday and Sunday.
Ticket fare:
20 yuan/person from April 3rd to April 10th
40 yuan/person from April 11th to May 7th
Getting there: take bus No. 24 or 83
Luopu Park 洛浦公园
Luopu Park is the greatest park in Luoyang City. Around 20,000 peony trees of 50 various types are become along the Mudan Scaffold (Peony Extension) at the center piece of the nursery.
Sprouting date: peonies at Luopu Park are let develop normally. The early sorts of peonies are typically sprouting around April fifth; practically a wide range of peonies are in full blossom around April tenth.
Ticket Fare: free
Getting there: take bus No. 54, 59 or 89
Luoyang Sui & Tang Dynasties Relics Botanic Garden 隋唐城遗址植物园

The feature of this nursery is the huge area of bright peony garden, which shows peonies of all the nine variety frameworks, including red, pink, purple, yellow, white, blue, green, dark and compound tones.
Blossoming date: in excess of 5,000 peony trees will initially sprout toward the beginning of April; practically all peonies are in full blossom from April tenth to eighteenth; a few peonies can likewise bloom during the May Day occasion (May 1-7).
Ticket Fare:
20 yuan/person from April 3st to 8th
40 yuan/person from April 9th to April 25st
20 yuan/person from April 26th to May 5th
Getting there: take bus No.26, 34, 37, 60, 62 or 68