- Observed: Jul. 25 to Aug. 1
- Area: Qinghai

The Qinghai Yushu Horse Racing Celebration is a customary celebration that was held during the seven day stretch of July 25 – August 1 consistently in the Yushu Tibetan Independent Prefecture in Qinghai Territory. This celebration exploits the warm climate, so the valley floor has rich green grasses reasonable for significant distance horse races and tent setting up camp. However, there was the Qinghai Seismic tremor in April of 2009 that was really focused in Yushu Area. The ground of the valley floor that was utilized for the celebration was transformed into a camp for the destitute since the greater part of the Tibetan homes in the space were obliterated. The Yushu Celebration was dropped, and it isn’t clear assuming that it will be held in 2011. The Tibetan horse races and athletic contests are becoming famous as a vacation destination, so on the off chance that the celebration is held, there will most likely be more commercialization and less real custom. It has been a pleasant celebration to watch, and tent setting up camp is conceivable, yet the more conventional races are somewhat hazardous.
Qinghai Territory is a semi-secret yet extremely huge region in western China. The area is in the high-height heaps of the Tibetan Level. The typical rise is an extremely high 3,000 meters or 10,000 feet. Since the region is somewhat lacking and the populace is exceptionally low – – there are something like 6 or 7 million individuals in the enormous territory – – it is an extraordinary spot to track down incredible view and outlandish customs. A custom in the space of Yushu Nation has been an athletic rivalry in a valley at around a 3,400 or 11,000 foot height. This is an exceptionally high rise, and explorers who endeavor for a couple of hours or attempt to remain for the night might get worn out or experience issues relaxing.
During this time in the late spring, there are a ton of blossoms sprouting, and the valley may be an extraordinary spot to take a walk. There is a stream in it. A portion of the ones who dress in customary dress shockingly seem to be Local Americans. A portion of the ladies’ ensembles and gems and facial highlights are suggestive of those of Navaho, Apache, and Sioux Indians. The tents they set up are suggestive of a Local American council. Without a doubt. In any case, the greater part of the generally dressed ladies’ ensembles are outlandish and obviously Asian and in many styles. Alongside them are Tibetan priests wearing their red robes.
While there, There is a ton of very much arranged moving to watch. There are Buddhist functions. Tibetan food can be purchased inexpensively. You can purchase Tibetan spices and crafted works and watch the Tibetans do different games and games.
These are genuine Tibetans, and they generally convey long blades, and these celebrations are known for ridiculous battles. So avoid rambunctious alcoholic Tibetan men. Likewise, during the races and different rivalries, there are a ton of wounds. Frightened ponies might dash into the groups watching the occasion or run into the camp, and huge canines that individuals let go around may likewise chomp. It is recommended that assuming you tent camp over night, bring all that you want including water and food. However food can be purchased efficiently, it is great to keep ready. Likewise put a staff and a stones in your tent to use on forceful canines.