The guest plan is likely the main piece of Chinese eating manners. Feasting behavior in old times was established by a four-level social layers: 1. the supreme court, 2. nearby specialists, 3. exchange affiliations and 4. ranchers and laborers. The regard structure in current eating manners has been improved to: 1. expert of the meal and 2. visitors.
Seat of Honor
The seat of high standing, saved for the expert of the feast or the visitor with most noteworthy status, is the one in the middle pointing toward the east or confronting the entry. Those of higher position sit nearer to the expert of the feast. The visitors of least position sit farthest from the seat of high standing. At the point when a family holds a dinner, the seat of high standing is for the visitor with the most noteworthy status and the top of the house takes the most un-noticeable seat.

Round Table
Assuming round tables are utilized, the seat confronting the entry is the seat of high standing. The seats on the left hand side of the seat of high standing are second, fourth, 6th, and so forth in significance, while those on the right are third, fifth, seventh, etc in significance, until they combine.
Square Table
In old times there was a household item known as an Eight Immortals table, a major square table with seats for two individuals on each side. On the off chance that there was a seat confronting the entry, the right hand seat while confronting the entry was for the honorable visitor. Assuming there was no seat confronting the entry entryway (probably on the off chance that the feast was outside or there were at least two entryways of equivalent significance), then, at that point, the right hand seat while pointing toward the east was the seat of high standing. The seats on the left hand side of the seat of high standing were, arranged by significance, second, fourth, 6th and eighth and those on the right were third, fifth and seventh.
In Grand Banquet
In a great dinner of many tables, the honorable table is the one farthest from the entry (or pointing toward the east in case of no reasonable fundamental entry). The tables on the left hand side of the praiseworthy tables are, arranged by significance, second, fourth, 6th, etc, and those on the right are third, fifth and seventh. Visitors are situated by their status and level of relationship to the expert of the meal.